Tag Archives: Strap

  1. Uke Leash Review


    December 19, 2010 by Tim

    Every so often I am contacted by people to review their product. Not a bad gig really considering that most …
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  2. Ukulele Player Magazine #12


    April 29, 2010 by Tim

    I dont know how long it has been out, but like clockwork there is another awesome issue.

  3. Eleuke Concert Full Review


    March 23, 2010 by Tim

    Imagine if back in the day when Led Zeppelin was forming and Jimmy Page decided that his main instrument would be a ukulele!!! If that did happen, and Eleuke was making these ukuleles, he would have played it. I think Led Zeppelin would have been even bigger than they were!…….. Maybe not, But it would have been cool to see.

    When someone says ukulele most think of the standard design of a 3 inch deep hollow box with a wood neck, with the wood grain showing, and friction tuners. They don’t think of a 1/2″ thick solid sparkle blue ukulele with a cut away body, geared tuners, no sound hole, and 3 jacks in the end. But why NOT! Uke players can rock out with the best of them gosh darn it!!! (Gotta keep it family friendly) And with the personal MP3 player input you can rock out along with the best of them without disturbing the whole house when you use the built in amp with your headphones plugged in

  4. Ukestar Ukulele Strap Review


    March 11, 2010 by Tim

    Most guitar players have a strap for their guitar, especially electric guitar players. Guitars are big and most people can’t hold a guitar while standing and play it (Unless you are my friend Paul, he is weird). Ukuleles are small; you can wedge it between your belly and your arm and still play it just fine, right?
    The answer is yes and no. On one hand you can simply hold it with your arm and gut. It is light and that is what a lot of people do, perfectly fine, but………..

  5. Ukulele Straps


    July 9, 2009 by Tim

    How do you strap your instrument on? Do you have leather straps? Nylon? Pink fur? Or do you prefer to …
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January 19-20th, 2024

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Craig Chee

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